Minutes from February 11, 2019 Meeting

FEBRUARY 11, 2019

FINANCE COMMITTEE: Met in the water dept. bldg. on 2/11/19 at 1:30 p.m.
PRESENT: Mayor, Art Nutzhorn, Donne Lefler (1 st Ward), Connie Jacobson (2 nd Ward), Rob
Finney, Ryan Kelly (3 rd Ward), Gene Gibler absent, Barbara J Cantwell, attorney Michael Evans
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Hollis called the regular meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and led the
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 14, 2019 MEETING: Page 1 under minutes of the December 10,
2019 meeting last sentence Ryan Kelly 2 nd the motion, not Rob Finney. Also under the
Treasurers Report 2 nd line put the apostrophe in Treasurers. Donna Lefler made a motion to
accept the minutes as amended. Ryan Kelly 2 nd motion passed.
CASH RECEIPT REPORT: Total cash receipts for the month of January 2019 is $76,567.66. Ryan
Kelly asked about the cash rent that says, Currier. It needs to be changed to Addison and
Clayton Ryan. Rob Finney made a motion to accept the Cash Receipt Report as amended.
Connie Jacobson 2 nd motion passed.
TREASURER REPORT: Ending cash balance for the month of January 2019 is $872,469.90.
Connie Jacobson made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Art Nutzhorn 2 nd motion
on the International either needs repaired or buy a used one. Rob would like an 11ft. blade.
West Jersey Township has an 11ft. blade for sale. Rob is going to check on the price from West
Jersey Township. Rob Finney would like the committee chairmen to get with their groups and
let him know about budget appropriations.
APPROVAL OF SUBMITTED CLAIMS: Rob Finney reported that the Menards bill needs to be
amended. The fund needs to be changed to 01-52-628 from 01-21-612. Rob Finney made a
motion to approve the submitted claims as amended. Connie Jacobson 2 nd motion passed.


ATTORNEY REPORT: Michael Evans reported that everyone is trying to get together and meet
at the sight to get the project for the Bent property concluded but because of the weather it
has not been able to be done. Michael has some correspondence on the Codification. This is a
project that is underway. Mayor Hollis said that we are working on a code of conduct sexual
harassment policy also. The attorney will draft and circulating the ordinance.
WYOMING MONUMENT: The new ordinance for the updated prices have been drafted and
Michael (attorney) said he will get it circulated to the council members.
CEMETERY MOWING CONTRACT: Need to put an ad in the paper for the 2019 mowing season.
PUBLIC CONCERNS: Ryan Kelly would like to make sure the space between the highway and
the downtown sidewalks keep clean of snow and slush for the safety of the public.
STARK COUNTY VENTURES: John Leezer and Bob Mueller were present to talk about the
grocery store. There are 2 proposals on the table. First one is to have another grocery store.
The second one is for FBFM to move into the building and make it into office spaces. If LLC
votes to have the grocery store the TIF agreement is in compliance but if they vote for FBFM
then LLC will have to ask the council if they would be willing to amend the agreement to allow
the LLC to put offices in the building because the agreement now states that it has to be an
operating grocery store.
PDC PROPOSAL: Eric Shangraw was present. The City’s contract is up at the end of April. Eric
wants to extend the contract. Freeze the current rate of $13.61 for another year and the mayor
asked to have the roll-off box back. PDC will continue to have the curbside pickup. Ryan Kelly
made a motion to renew our contract with Area Disposal Service with the addition of the roll-
off box. Connie Jacobson 2 nd motion passed.
GOLF CARTS: Jake Streitmatter gave the council 63 names on a petition to have it possible to
ride golf carts in the city. This will be tabled until next month.
MUSSELMAN SUBDIVISION SEWER: The sewer system in the subdivision does not have
enough fall so it is backing up into some of the households. Mrs. Morse’s son-in-law has
contacted the city about putting in a check valve. He will install it just wants the city to provide
the valve. Connie Jacobson made a motion to supply the sewer check valve for Mrs. Morse's
sewer to be installed by the homeowner. Donna Lefler 2 nd motion passed.


TIF BUSINESS: Rob Finney made a motion to pay the 4 th Quarter bills to Jacob Klein for $429.70
and the Economic Development Group of Bloomington bill for $4,001.62 for regular charge and
incurred costs in 2018. Art Nutzhorn 2 nd Donna Lefler voted no. Motion passed.
Rob Finney made a motion to pay FY2019-23 for the Esco bill for $920.00. Connie Jacobson 2 nd
motion passed.
Ryan Kelly made a motion to pay FY2019-24 Harvey Bros. bill for $3,831.00. Rob Finney 2 nd
motion passed.
Jennifer Nutzhorn was present to talk about a backup generator so the Toulon Public Library
can be a heating and cooling center plus if electricity is out people can come there. Rob Finney
made a motion to pay the full amount of $9,150.00 for Ordinance #893 to buy the generator for
the Toulon Public Library. Ryan Kelly 2 nd motion passed.


Rob Finney made a motion to adjourn. Ryan Kelly 2 nd motion passed.