Minutes of the July 8, 2019 Meeting



JULY 8, 2019


FINANCE COMMITTEE:  Met in the water dept. bldg. on 7/8/19 at 1:30 p.m.

PRESENT:  Mayor, Art Nutzhorn, Donna Lefler (1st Ward), Connie Jacobson, Jason Musselman, (2nd Ward), Rob Finney, Ryan Kelly (3rd Ward), Barbara J Cantwell, Michael Evans, city attorney.

CALL TO ORDER:  Mayor Hollis called the regular meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

MINUTES OF THE JUNE 10, 2019 MEETING:  Under present, put a comma after Michael Evans name.  On page 2 under Golf Cart, remove the first sentence. Under Apartments on Main Street, in the first sentence add the words the ordinance is, in the beginning of the sentence.  Page 3 first paragraph make IDOT all caps and add Barbara Cantwell reported that there was one solicitor that had applied. Under jetter first sentence change to read our jetter is in need of repairs.

Donna Lefler made a motion to accept the minutes as amended.  Ryan Kelly 2nd motion passed.

CASH RECEIPT REPORT:  Total Cash Receipts for the month of June 2019 is $57,075.03.  Rob Finney made a motion to accept the Cash Receipt Report for the month June 2019.  Connie Jacobson 2nd motion passed.  Jason Musselman absent.

TREASURER REPORT:  Treasurer Report for the month of June 2019 is $767,289.66.  Donna Lefler made a motion to accept the Treasurer Report for the month of June 2019.  Ryan Kelly 2nd motion passed.  Jason Musselman absent.


REPORTS FROM CITY EMPLOYEES/COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN:  Rob Kamerer reported that the city is going to be audited by IEPA on July 20th, it’s the annual review of the water plant.  Also the health department said that the city has to have cement pads under the dumpsters.  Barbara Cantwell reported on bio-degradable bags for yard waste. Uline has 30 gal. bags, 60 to a carton at $48.00 plus shipping.  Menards has 30 gal. bags $1.83 for a package of 5. This will be on next month’s agenda. Ryan Kelly reported that there have been 4 police officers that have completed the part- time academy.  The city will be reimbursed for the classes. Ryan reported that Ron Salisbury (part- time police officer) completed a 560- hour course for the police dept. and has received the highest score in history.  Ryan and Mayor Hollis acknowledged him with a certificate. 

APPROVAL OF SUBMITTED CLAIMS:  Rob Finney made a motion to approve the submitted claims as listed.  Connie Jacobson 2nd motion passed.  Jason Musselman absent.

PAINTING OF WATER DEPARTMENT BLDG.:  There were 2 bids.  One was from Total Home Services for $6,999.00 and the 2nd one was from Brant Turnbull for $8,400.00.  This is a TIF eligible cost. Total Home Services bid says that the block on the south side of building is in very good condition so if it’s not included in the painting we may deduct $400.00.  Rob Finney made a motion to accept Total Home Services bid for painting the water dept. bldg. up to $6,999.00 and if the newer block doesn’t need painted we will deduct $400.00. Ryan Kelly 2nd motion passed.

ATTORNEY REPORT:  The school transaction with the deed is completed.  Bent property transaction is almost done, still needs a legal description.  Mr. Evans is still working on the codification.  

PUBLIC CONCERNS:  Donna Lefler would like to have Debbie Wyant’s trees or bushes cut back along highway.  Rob Kamerer reported two of the three street lights have been repaired. Val Wagher would like the trees and weeds trimmed back on North Miller and Commercial St.  Jason Musselman reported that the school crossing traffic light on Main St. will be repaired at no cost to the city.  

There has been a lot of progress done in the park.  There are numerous fire hydrants that don’t work and need repaired.  Ryan had a question about the tall grass between the sidewalk and the main road.  It is the responsibility of the home owner to mow. Ryan would like the ordinance officer to go tell the home owners that it’s their responsibility to mow the grass between the sidewalk and the street.

JETTER:  Rob Kamerer reported that a new tank would cost approximately $1,100.00 installed.  Our jetter is not running right now.  

STREET LIGHTS:  Two of the lights that were not working were just a problem of the bulb burned out.   One other light on North Washington and West Vine is the ballast is out. To repair this we could replace it with a different kind of bulb that doesn’t require a ballast. Which would cost $100.00 for the bulb or $400.00 for new ballast plus 3 hours of labor.  Jason Musselman made a motion to purchase the $100.00 bulb plus the service trip. Ryan Kelly 2nd motion passed.

MEDIACOM ORDINANCE:    Lawyer didn’t bring the ordinance to the meeting so tabled till next month.

PREVAILING RATE OF WAGES ORDINANCE:  The ordinance is not needed any longer.

ORDINANCE FOR BUDGET/APPROPRIATIONS:    There was an ordinance in 2017 but not in 2018 or any of the other years.  Our city attorney will prepare the ordinance for this year 2019.

OLD SETTLER DONATION /BEER GARDEN:  Old Settlers is August 1,2,3,4.  Badge honoree is Bob and Nancy Rennick.  The schedule is about the same except for the Toulon Community Night will be on Thursday, right before the fireworks.  A new event will be the Burn Out competition which is happening at Orwig Auction on Saturday at 3:00 p.m. Beer Garden hours are 6:00 to midnight.  Entertainment starts at 8:00 p.m. Rob Finney made a motion to give the Old Settlers Assoc. -3-           a donation of $1,500.00.  Donna Lefler 2nd  .  Connie Jacobson and Jason Musselman abstained motion passed.

TIF:  Jason Musselman made a motion to approve FY-2020-3 for BEA $6,799.09, Stark County Communications $27.60, Locis $267.93 and Ferguson $163.21 a total of $7,257.83.  Rob Finney 2nd motion passed.  

There was one bid for the concession stand and it came in over the $35,000.00 that the Lions Club donated.  The agreement with the Lions is the building has to be built this year. The building will be storage for the baseball diamond field equipment not just a concession stand. This is also a TIF eligible project.  The school will be paying for the electricity to the building. Connie Jacobson made a motion to commit to $6,000.00 towards the concession stand. Donna Lefler 2nd motion passed.


Jason Musselman made a motion to adjourn.  Donna Lefler 2nd motion passed.
